God has created an awesome world. Photography is a way for me to capture and hold one of God’s creative moments longer than my simple mind can hold it on its own.

Wildlife photography has become my hobby and pastime passion. I used to be an avid hunter. Nothing against hunting or hunters, but through time I’ve learned it was not the animal kill I enjoyed but spotting the wildlife, observing it, and being in the woods with family and friends. With wildlife photography I can do just that. 

I think of my photo "hunts" as "catch and release" hunting. My web site shares these hunts locally in southeast Michigan, and from our nation's great national parks; Denali, Clark Lake, Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Theodore Roosevelt, and more.

So where does the name Brest Bay Photo comes from? My family and I live on Brest Bay. Brest Bay is located in southeast Michigan, near Monroe, on the Western shore of Lake Erie.

The Brest Bay ecosystem holds and attracts many species of wildlife including bald eagles, ospreys, and other birds of prey. Annually waterfowl migrate through from as far away as the Artic Circle! This includes Tundra Swans, and Ross' Goose. Deer, fox, coyote and other wildlife live in the wetlands surrounding Brest Bay.

I hope you enjoy viewing the photos as much as I did taking them!

Charlie Rumschlag